
From the time I was old enough to walk I have been an avid outdoorsmen. Just like many kids I was always told that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. Well for me I was dead set on becoming a pipeline welder, and for many years I made that a reality for myself. But as the years went by I realized my dream career was keeping me from living a for filling life. I was constantly hundreds of miles away from home. Not only was I away from home I was missing out on being able to enjoy all of the things I grew up doing. Hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping you name it I’ve done it. During the summer of 2022 I was able to find a job close to home, and during that time I was looking at different career opportunities and that is when I discovered blogging. Now I have never been a tech savvy person so I never in a million years would have thought that I can make a career of doing what I love and writing about it. But remember what I said? You can be anything you set your mind too. I am hoping that by sharing some of my new found knowledge I can help others. Nowadays, I am outside doing things that for fill me as a person. I was once told by a man “consistency and persistency are the keys to success”.

I have decided to start this blog to discuss some of the pros and cons of different products and help steer people away from the thousands of scams that are out there. I will also be sharing all of my knowledge on all of the tips and tricks that I have discovered over the years. Thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read a little part of my story!